Definition of Talk
- 1. An exchange of ideas via conversation Noun
- 2. Discussion; (talk about' is a less formal alternative for discussion of') Noun
- 3. The act of giving a talk to an audience Noun
- 4. A speech that is open to the public Noun
- 5. Idle gossip or rumor Noun
- 6. Exchange thoughts; talk with Verb
- 7. Express in speech Verb
- 8. Use language Verb
- 9. Reveal information Verb
- 10. Divulge confidential information or secrets Verb
- 11. Deliver a lecture or talk Verb
Synonyms for word "talk"
Semanticaly linked words with "talk"
- conversation
- cant
- pious platitude
- dialog
- dialogue
- duologue
- heart-to-heart
- shmooze
- shop talk
- idle words
- jazz
- malarkey
- malarky
- nothingness
- wind
- cackle
- chatter
- yack
- yak
- yakety-yak
- communicate
- intercommunicate
- carry on
- continue
- go on
- proceed
- discourse
- dissertate
- hold forth
- pontificate
- orate
- talk down
- spiel
- dogmatise
- dogmatize
- cheek
- level
- talk turkey
- monologuise
- monologuize
- soliloquise
- soliloquize
- converse
- butterfly
- chat up
- coquet
- coquette
- dally
- flirt
- mash
- philander
- romance
- dish the dirt
- gossip
- rap
- discourse
- discussion
- treatment
- read
- communicate
- intercommunicate
- phonate
- vocalise
- vocalize
- troll
- begin
- lip off
- shoot one's mouth off
- shout
- whisper
- peep
- speak up
- snap
- snarl
- enthuse
- speak in tongues
- swallow
- verbalise
- verbalize
- verbalise
- verbalize
- whiff
- talk about
- talk of
- blubber
- blubber out
- drone
- drone on
- bumble
- falter
- stammer
- stutter
- rasp
- blunder
- blunder out
- blurt
- blurt out
- ejaculate
- inflect
- modulate
- tone
- deliver
- present
- generalise
- generalize
- blab
- blabber
- chatter
- clack
- gabble
- gibber
- maunder
- palaver
- piffle
- prate
- prattle
- tattle
- tittle-tattle
- twaddle
- jaw
- rattle on
- yack
- yack away
- yap away
- open up
- snivel
- whine
- murmur
- mumble
- mussitate
- mutter
- slur
- bark
- bay
- jabber
- mouth off
- rabbit on
- rant
- rave
- spout
- hiss
- sibilate
- siss
- sizz
- cackle
- babble
- chant
- intone
- gulp
- sing
- lecture
- lecturing
- chalk talk
- communicate
- intercommunicate
- run on
- smatter
- slang
- address
- speech
- babble
- babble out
- blab
- blab out
- let the cat out of the bag
- peach
- sing
- spill the beans
- talk
- tattle
- tell
- comment
- gossip
- scuttlebutt
- break
- bring out
- disclose
- discover
- divulge
- expose
- give away
- let on
- let out
- reveal
- uncover
- unwrap
- spill
- talk
- preach
- prophesy
- instruct
- learn
- teach