Definition of Here 1. The present location; this place Noun 2. Queen of the Olympian gods in ancient Greek mythology; sister and wife of Zeus remembered for her jealously of the many mortal women Zeus fell in love with; identified with Roman Juno Noun 3. In or at this place; where the speaker or writer is Adverb 4. In this circumstance or respect or on this point or detail Adverb 5. To this place (especially toward the speaker) Adverb 6. At this time; now Adverb 7. Being here now Adjective Satellite Synonyms for word "here" Semanticaly linked words with "here" Hyponims for word "here" Lexical Analysis for "here" there a location other than here; that place hereness the state of being here in this place there in or at that place or location to or toward that place; away from the speaker etymology hereaway etymology hereby etymology herehence etymology hereinunder etymology hereish etymology hereness etymology hereof etymology hereon etymology hereout etymology hereunto etymology hereupon etymology herewith etymology herewithin etymology hership etymology hia etymologically related ferd variant:orthography hyer etymological origin of here is derived from hereabout is derived from hereafter is derived from hereaway is derived from hereby is derived from herein is derived from hereinafter is derived from hereinbefore is derived from hereinbelow is derived from hereninabove is derived from hereof is derived from hereon is derived from hereto is derived from heretofore is derived from hereunder is derived from hereunto is derived from hereupon is derived from herewith